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Equipment You Should Spend Extra On

Equipment You Should Spend Extra On

Summary: Paying a little extra on certain equipment can raise your expenses but knowing how to spend your organization’s money can help strengthen operations.

A common method some new businesses will use to try to save money is buying cheaper equipment. This would surely save a business some money in the short run but the business would be running the risk of said equipment failing them. Cheaper equipment tends to be less reliable and of lower quality, which can be problematic down the line. There is some equipment you should always be willing to spend a little extra on.


If you run an organization that mainly operates through an office, many of your employees likely work on computers. So much of the work that is done today is done via computers, from creating spreadsheets to working on project development. If the computers you supply your employees with do not have enough RAM or storage they will regularly have to close applications or transfer files to the company server. This can significantly slow daily work down.

Internet Plan

Another area your organization should be prepared to spend money on is a solid internet plan. There are several internet service providers you can choose to work with and each one likely has a handful of different plans you can choose from. How can you find the right one for your company? You need to find one that has enough bandwidth and has strong download and upload speeds. One employee uploading a project should not be able to slow another employee’s upload down.

Additionally, connecting routers that support multiple ethernet lines can help you deliver fast and reliable transfer speeds to the desks in the office.

A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into Identity Theft

A Behind-The-Scenes Look Into Identity Theft

Summary: Identity theft has become a real concern in today’s tech-friendly society.

Rather than holding up a bank, criminals have learned that it is easier, less risky, and more rewarding to steal money through identity theft. As an avid Internet user, it’s important that you understand the dangers of having your personal information available for all to see.

First off, what exactly is identity theft. Well to be frank, it’s the stealing of personal information that allows another individual to take on your identity. The more personal information the thief steals from you, the more susceptible you become to theft.

Email Phishing

Criminals like to utilize the email platform to begin their heist. With your email address in hand, a criminal will be able to send you a phishing email to try and lure you to a site where you enter personal information like your name, bank account, and credit card details. As you should already know, be wary of these sites. Or, you could simply ignore the email.

A global solutions company can provide ideal turnkey solutions for your company for maximum efficiency.


Additionally, criminals can do further damage by visiting their social media profile. If the thief has infiltrated your PC with malware, he can have access to personal information like login usernames, passwords, credit cards, and other stored data that you have on your PC – and it’s highly unlikely your computer is secure as a mission critical video wall would be. As stated before, the more information that is available to the thief, the more successful he’ll be when impersonating you online.

Cyber Criminals Work Together

To gather as much information as possible from you, cyber thieves often trade personal information with each other to complete a picture of the victim. The more complete the picture is, the more valuable the target becomes. And, once all the pieces of personal information are put together, he can do essentially anything he wants.

How to Weed Out the Legitimate Online Shops from the Fakes

How to Weed Out the Legitimate Online Shops from the Fakes

Summary: Legitimacy should be the first thing you should always keep an eye out for when you’re shopping online.

With the dramatic rise in online shopping in today’s technology-friendly world, there are a multitude of options to choose from when searching for the latest and greatest in clothes, computers, and games. However, certain websites are out there to scam people by enticing them to purchase something they’ll never receive in the long run.

If Something Seems “Off” Leave Right Away

Most people know that companies will invest a significant amount of money and time in creating an online shop that has beautiful graphics, detailed slideshows, and even a little background information on how it began. If you notice an online shop that looks ridiculously outdated, don’t count them out just yet. Browse around and see what they’re offering and their prices. One of the biggest indicators is if you see a price that’s extremely low for what the current market value is at.

Consumers love to find deals and if they find something they can get for 50% off, you know they’ll pounce on it right away. However, when dealing with online shops that function overseas and do not even have access to some of these products, you’ll only end up getting your identity stolen and never even receive the promised goods.

See What People Are Saying

Sure, it might be wise to avoid shopping on a site that looks completely fake, but it’s also important that you check out their background as well. If customers have dealt with the company before and got exactly what they were promised, they might’ve just not prioritized the graphic design aspect of their website. However, don’t let this be an excuse to let your guard down. If you notice reviews that showcase how much of a scam it is, don’t even think about going back onto that site ever again. There could potentially be malware and viruses lurking about just waiting for you to enter certain pages so they can infect your computer.

The evolution EDI over the years

The evolution EDI over the years

Summary: EDI is a 50-year-old protocol that started with dial-up modems, and then moved on to VANS. Further evolutions in the technology led to its continued growth and its popularity will continue to grow as it adopts modern technology.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is over 50 years old as a protocol. It is the primary method through which suppliers and customers exchange business and financial information. The technology and standards have evolved over the last few years. Let’s take a look at some parts of that evolution:

The original age of EDI is the period before the early eighties. Communication was very basic, with companies using modems to dial each other and exchange information. It was during this period that standards like EDIFACT and ANSI X12 were created. Because of the slow transfer speeds, information exchange was done in batches, with larger files taking minutes per file.

After the original age of EDI, starting in the mid-eighties, we saw the growth of VANS and the proliferation of EDI into other verticals. It was during this decade that desktop computers and the internet became available to smaller organizations. These small and medium sized businesses could now afford to use enterprise level software and services like EDI.

The growth of VANS opened up EDI to many different types of organizations. With a VAN, there were so many more options in terms of communication, speeds, protocols, and security. The ability to buffer data, waiting until the trading partner was ready, and the ability to split payment for the exchange of data were two of the reasons for the continued growth of the technology.

EDI has come a long way and will continue to evolve taking advantage of all the new technology and protocols.

Keeping it Cool with Portable AC Units

Keeping it Cool with Portable AC Units

                Most companies and schools place all their computers in one designated computer room. Not only it is convenient for all the people in the office or school since there is only one place for them to go to in order to access a computer, but also it is a nice solution as multiple people can work together on computers at once with this configuration. The only main problem that arises from this is heat. With several people in the room and a ton of computers powered at the same time, heat is going to start getting higher. That’s when air-conditioning steps in. An efficient yet powerful air conditioner can do the job and successfully keep your computer room and everyone in it at a proper temperature to maximize productivity and minimize computer damage.

                Spot cooling is a more effective way of keeping your computers cool as some computers, especially ones being used, will heat up more than others. A normal air conditioning unit will keep the room at a certain temperature but not each computer. Potable air conditioning units can be used and directed at specific computers or areas for spot cooling. Proper cooling for your computer room can assure your computers’ lives will last long and will help your company achieve its goals. Rental portable air conditioner units are a viable option in case your company or school’s computer room does not always need spot cooling for intensive use of the computer terminals.

Why You Should Do Team-Building Activities for Work

Why You Should Do Team-Building Activities for Work

Summary: A company outing could help build comradery and boost employee satisfaction.

While a solid idea has the potential to get you far, it simply is not enough to help a business grow and succeed. A lot of work goes into running a business. Figuring out a business plan that is viable and executable is key. Finding employees who you can work with and getting an office space where they can work are among some of the other important aspects of running a business that you cannot overlook.

How your employees feel at work is very important. They are, after all, the people who will be helping you grow the company. When your employees feel comfortable, enjoy the work they are doing, and feel like their efforts are making a difference, they will produce the best work. In contrast, if your employees are sluggish, unmotivated, and look like they are simply counting down the seconds until they can leave for the day, it should come as no surprise that this will also be reflected in the work they do. Although getting paid is something most people enjoy at their work, they usually want to feel like they are part of a community they can relate to. Team-building activities are some of the most effective ways to help improve your office.

Forming Personal Bonds

When you think of team-building activities you probably think of trust falls in a park and other cliché activities that might not appear to be all that effective. The point of these activities is to get people out of the office and to give your employees the chance to interact with each other in a different setting. Rather than discussing work-related matters, your employees can talk to each other about other things going on in their lives.

The stronger the personal bonds your employees have with one another, the more engaged they will be at work. You might know how a particular coworker behaves at work and how well they do in the office but you might not know much beyond surface-level details. Going to the movies and out for dinner with your employees could help you go beneath this surface and learn more about where they are from, what their hobbies are, and so forth.

Get Creative

Doing team-building activities does not necessarily need to involve doing icebreakers in a park. You can get creative with what sort of activities you do. For instance, laser tag, go-karting, and virtual reality environments are all fun experiences that people will be excited to check out.

How to Limit Eye Strain from Screen Usage

How to Limit Eye Strain from Screen Usage

Summary: If you use screens on a regular basis you might start to experience eye strain. There are techniques you can use to limit the amount of pain you feel.

There are many different approaches you can take when trying to grow your company and increase profits. You can focus on numbers, such as the prices you sell at, where you can cut costs, and so forth. Alternatively, you might come to the conclusion that your company needs to focus on the actual product or service.

If you work in an office and spend a lot of time staring at screens it is understandable that your eyes might feel sensitive and tired. The blue lights that are emitted from screens can lead to physical fatigue, making it tougher to use screens for long periods of time. There are steps you can take to limit eye strain.

Filter Out Harmful Rays

Blue lights are the fastest and most powerful lights you might expose your eyes to on a daily basis. The light can come from the sun and the screens you use. To protect the amount of blue light that your eyes are exposed to you can wear sunglasses. If you are indoors or need to wear eyeglasses, there are special blue light coatings you can get on your lenses to decrease the amount of blue light that comes into contact with your eyes.

View at a Safe Distance

Depending on your circumstances, limiting the amount of time you spend staring at screens each day might not be the most practical solution. What you can do, however, is make sure the screen you are looking at is not too close. Exposure time is important but so is proximity to the source of the blue light. Position your monitor or phone a bit further back when you use them.

Top 3 Tips to Improve Operator Efficiency

Top 3 Tips to Improve Operator Efficiency

Summary: The amount of increased productivity a command center can bring to an organization depends on how integrated it is.


Command centers can get implemented into a wide variety of different organizations, from ad agencies to sports stadiums. These centers use some of the most advanced technology on the market to connect companies to their data and any critical information that must be brought to their attention.


If you want your operations center to be as useful as possible, there are tips you can follow to improve operator efficiency.


  1. Practice: A simple yet oftentimes overlooked aspect of efficiency is practice. Operations centers are fast-paced environments that can be stressful and overwhelming for someone who has not had enough time to get comfortable with using the system both quickly and effectively. Learn the different commands and macros to navigate the center with confidence.


  1. Reliable hardware: Another important tip for efficient work in your command center workstations is to have reliable and robust hardware. Since there will be many processes working simultaneously and information from different sources coming together, it should come as no surprise that many things need to work for it all to function smoothly. The hardware can be thought of as the base of the entire operation, meaning that slow processors or unstable server connections can ultimately slow the operators down drastically.


  1. Communication: Operations centers, such as those designed by Constant Technologies, Inc., are rarely run by just one person. Chances are, you will be working alongside others to run the system. If you are working in a broadcast room for a sporting team, for example, run through practice scenarios with your team to improve communication and cooperation before the big game.
Avoiding Heat Buildup in the Server Room

Avoiding Heat Buildup in the Server Room

Servers generate a lot of heat. In fact, without a cooling system in place, closed server rooms can exceed 90F in temperature, which can damage the servers’ sensitive components and reduce their expected lifespan, according to experts. Many server rooms, when examined, are found to be between 78F and 82F, which can have negative long-term impact.

Ideally, server rooms should be between 60F and 70F for best performance and outcomes. Some models may have a broader range of tolerable temperatures; however, this range is considered standard for many modern servers.

Maintaining this cool environment can be challenging, especially in buildings with poorly functioning cooling systems or those that lack appropriately zoned HVAC. Afterall, keeping an office at 60F would be uncomfortable for many workers and quite expensive during the summer.

Fans are not always enough in warmer climates and can be loud and disruptive. They can also promote the growth of mold and the spread of particulate and allergens, creating an environment that is unhealthy for servers and humans alike.

A more practical solution is using a portable air conditioning unit to cool the server room. This maintains the necessary temperatures in a targeted, cost-effective way without impacting the environment outside the room. Spot cooling in this way can also help prevent mold, which can grow easily in a warm environment.

Maintaining proper temperatures in the server room is an important part of managing technology, but too frequently neglected. It is important to find a cooling solution that works for your server room and to have a back-up plan in case of failure.

How Ergonomic Furniture Can Boost Performance in a Command Center

How Ergonomic Furniture Can Boost Performance in a Command Center

Summary: Keeping your employees comfortable and supported can actually increase productivity levels.

Each piece of control room furniture serves its purpose in some shape or form. For instance, the video wall displays assist specialists in monitoring everything that’s require for the company to stay alert. The design of the command center plays a role in keeping everything in a specific pattern so it’s easy to navigate and communicate amongst everyone within the room. However, one of the most neglected aspects of control room furniture is the ergonomic factor.

Every specialist that works within a command center must be alert at all times in the case of a security risk or a breach. As a team, they need to be able to communicate effectively and focus merely on the task at hand without any distractions.

The Benefits

Having an ergonomic setup for each specialist will now only allow each person to work more efficiently, but they’ll also be more comfortable while doing their job. Now, you might be asking why this is important? First off, someone that’s uncomfortable – whether it’s soreness from a shoddy chair or pain from an awkward typing position – will underperform. This not only impacts the speed at which the person works, but it also affects your company as a whole.

It’s recommended that when you start a command center from scratch – or even alter your current one – that you consider utilizing ergonomic furniture as it’ll provide an immense amount of benefits for you and your employees. After paying so much money to create a quality setup from companies like Constant Technologies, Inc. or some other major contractor, the least you could do is provide your employees with an environment that they can work comfortably in.